If there is a draw we will have a second round.
- Upotte 60%, 3 votes3 votes 60%3 votes - 60% of all votes
- Soul Taker 40%, 2 votes2 votes 40%2 votes - 40% of all votes
- Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
If there is a draw we will have a second round.
Get them in by this Sunday.
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #63, Thursday 27th of May from 8pmish on Discord.
Tonight we will rewatch the first three episodes of a featured series from the distant past, Berserk!
Then we will continue with our new featured series Fancy Lala!
Put your vroting on
First round poll. You have two votes.
Nominations for next meeting. Get them in by this Sunday.
WA Online – Meeting #62, Thursday 20th of May from 8pm on Discord. https://discord.gg/Gzr8pTQ
Showcase meeting two! This week its F A N C Y L A L A and Dennō Coil!
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #61, Thursday 13th of May from 8pm-ish on Discord.
Its time for featured series showcase! We shall watch two episodes of the four shows nominated then vote for the show to watch in its entirety.
First up its No Guns Life and Revue Starlight!
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #60, Thursday 6th of May from 8pm on Discord.
We’ll be watching the OVA prequels to the live action Zeiram sci-fi horror films. Tonight its I・Я・I・A : ZЁIЯAM THE ANIMATION!