Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #168, Monday 3rd of March from 8pm online on Discord.
Tonight, because Supe7nova hasn’t seen it, we shall be watching Fight! Iczer One.

Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #168, Monday 3rd of March from 8pm online on Discord.
Tonight, because Supe7nova hasn’t seen it, we shall be watching Fight! Iczer One.
Westcountry Anime Online Meeting #167, Monday 24th of February from 8pm online on Discord.
Tonight we shall be watching Uma Musume: Pretty Derby – Beginning of a New Era!
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #166, Monday the 17th of February from 8pm online on Discord.
Its movie and OVA season!
Tonight’s showing will be Komada: A Whisky Family.
Nominations for next online meeting. As we are between featured series, we are after movies, OVA’s shorts etc….
Get your nominations in by this Thursday.
Westcountry Anime online – Meeting #165, Monday 10th of February from 8pm online on Discord.
Tonight it’s the first three episodes of Grendizer U.
Then it’s the finale of Gun Gail Online 2!
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #164, Monday the 3rd of February from 8pm online on Discord.
Tonight, it’s time for some cute girls playing golf with Sorairo Utility.
Then it’s continuing our current featured series of Gun Gale Online 2 with episodes 9 and 10.
Nominations for next online meeting.
Get them in by this Thursday.
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #163, Monday 27th of January at 8pm Online on Discord.
Tonight we shall be watching the first three episodes of Densetsu Kyojin Ideon.
Then its on to episodes 7 and 8 of Gun Gale Online 2.
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #162, Monday the 20th of January from 8pm online on Discord.
First up its Mappa’s satire of (and love letter to 90s style) isekai, and tribute to legendary animators Zenshu.
Then its 5 and 6 of Gun Gale Online 2