Don’t forget tonights a WA night! Joins us tonight from 8pm for something gratuitously 90s.
Don’t forget tonights a WA night! Joins us tonight from 8pm for something gratuitously 90s.
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #52, Thursday 11th of March from 8pm on Discord –
From director and designer Obari Masami (Fatal Fury the Motion Picture, Battle Arena Toshinden), we shall be watching fighting game anime Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer!
Then we are continuing our featured series Re:CREATORS with episodes 11 and 12.
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #51, Thursday 4th of March from 8pmish on Discord –
Then its episodes 9 and 10 of of Re:CREATORS.
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #50, Thursday 25th of February from 8pm on Discord.
This week its back to the 90s with the first 3 episodes of superhero/magical girl/mecha parody ova Moldiver!
Then its on to episodes 7 and 8 of Re:CREATORS.
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #49, Thursday 18th of January from 8pm on Discord.
We shall be watching Wonder Egg Priority, an original series from Cloverworks.
Then its on to episodes 5 and 6 of Re:CREATORS.
Westcountry Anime Online Meeting #48, Thursday 10th of February from 8pm on Discord.
The time hath come. The people hath chosen.
We shall be watching the first three episodes of Girls’ Last Tour.
Then after the break its on to our first online featured series with episodes 3 and 4 of Re:CREATORS!
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #47, Thursday 4th of February from 8pm on Discord.
Its meeting two of our featured series showcase.
We’ll be watching Kyousougiga and Fancy Lala!
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #45, Thursday 21st January. We’ll start gathering from 8pm on Discord.
We shall be watching Juinchi Sato’s
Prétear – The New Legend of Snow White.
Westcountry Anime Online Meeting #44, Thursday 14th of January 2021. We’ll start gathering from 8pm.
Based on the manga written by Looseboy (G-Senjou no Maou) and illustrated by Furuya Iyori, we shall be watching Talentless Nana!
Westcountry Anime Online – Meeting #43, Thursday the 7th of January from 8pm-ish on the WA discord server.
Tonight its an original series with a story by Kazutaka Kodaka and design work from Tanioka Yoshio, Cindy H. Yamauchi and Komatsuzaki Rui, produced by Pierrot and Too Kyo Games. We’ll be watching cyberpunk thriller Akudama Drive.