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Meeting #525

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #525, Thursday 28th of March from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

Its our second showcase meeting! We shall be watching the first two episodes of both Space Battleship Yamato: 2199 and SSSS.Gridman!

Shortly afterwards a poll will open and we shall vote on the four shows we have watched in the past two weeks. The winner will be our new featured series!


Meeting #524

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #524, Thursday 14th of March from 8pm, downstairs in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

Its the first of two showcase meetings! We’ll be starting with the first two episodes of both Higashi no Eden and Devilman Crybaby.

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Meeting #521

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Meeting #521, Thursday 21st of February, from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue.

Its movie and ova time! We shall be starting with the yuri sci-fi mecha film Fight! Iczer One: The Movie.


Meeting #512

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #512, Thursday 13th of December from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue.

Its the start of our 2000-09 season! We’ll be starting off with two very different takes on ‘girls with guns’ shows.

We shall be watching the first two episodes of both Gunslinger Girl (2003-04) and Burst Angel (2007).



Meeting #498

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #498, Thursday 30th of August from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue.

We shall be starting the evening with a tale of freedom fighter idols. Its Kawamori Shoji’s AKB∞48!

Then its on to our new featured series, The Perfect Insider!


Meeting #496

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #496, Thursday 16th of August from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue.

WA IS BACK! Earlier than expected we are back for our next meeting. We shall be starting our next featured series showcase. Over the next two meetings we shall watch the first two episodes of the four shows nominated.

We shall be starting with Shin Mazinger and The Perfect Insider.

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Meeting #493

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #493, Thursday 19th of July from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

We shall be starting the evening with Chio-chan no Tsūgakuro, the tale of a high school girls commute to school.

Then its on to the final two episodes of our current featured series; Kokkoku: Moment by Moment!


Vote for Meeting #476

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Vote for next meeting

  • Hakumei to Mikochi 75%, 3 votes
    3 votes 75%
    3 votes - 75% of all votes
  • March Comes in Like a Lion 25%, 1 vote
    1 vote 25%
    1 vote - 25% of all votes
Total Votes: 4
19th March 2018 - 21st March 2018
Voting is closed