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Meeting #529

Westcountry Anime #Meeting 529, Thursday 2nd May from 8pm in the Cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

Its sci-fi meeting tonight! We’ll be watching 3 shows that fall into 3 sub-genres of science fiction.

We’ll be starting with the first two episodes of a super robot show, Choudenji Robo Combattler V.

Then in the break we will put on the 5 min cult superhero show Chargeman Ken.

Finally its episodes 9 and 10 of our current featured series, space opera Space Battleship Yamato 2199!


Meeting #528

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #528, Thursday the 18th of April from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

We shall be starting the evening with the first two episodes of yuri drama Bloom into You.

Afterwards we leaving the Solar System with episodes 7 and 8 of Space Battleship Yamato 2199!

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Meeting #527

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #527, Thursday 11th of April from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

Based on the light novel series by Sakaki Ichirō (Scrapped Princess, Outbreak Company) we’ll be watching Chaika: The Coffin Princess.

Then its on to episode 5 and 6 of Space Battleship Yamato 2199!


Meeting #526

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #526, Thursday 4th of April from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

We’ll be starting off this meeting with four short episodes. We’ll be watching Manaria Friends, set in the Rage of Bahamut universe.

Then we will be continuing with our new featured series. Space Battleship Yamato 2199!


Meeting #525

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #525, Thursday 28th of March from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

Its our second showcase meeting! We shall be watching the first two episodes of both Space Battleship Yamato: 2199 and SSSS.Gridman!

Shortly afterwards a poll will open and we shall vote on the four shows we have watched in the past two weeks. The winner will be our new featured series!


Meeting #524

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #524, Thursday 14th of March from 8pm, downstairs in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

Its the first of two showcase meetings! We’ll be starting with the first two episodes of both Higashi no Eden and Devilman Crybaby.

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Meeting #523

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #523, Thursday 7th of March from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

We shall be watching Mazinger Z: Infinity, produced for the 45th anniversary of the Mazinger franchise.

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Meeting #522

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime #522, Thursday the 28th of February from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

Its our second movie/ova meeting of this break and We haven’t left the 8o’s yet. We’ shall be watching action fantasy film Genmu Senki Leda!

As its a fairly short film we’ll be watching some more Ova’s afterwards.

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Meeting #521

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Meeting #521, Thursday 21st of February, from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue.

Its movie and ova time! We shall be starting with the yuri sci-fi mecha film Fight! Iczer One: The Movie.


Vote for Meeting #521

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

You have TWO votes! If we don’t have an outright winner we shall have a second round.

  • Fight! Iczer One: The Movie 36%, 4 votes
    4 votes 36%
    4 votes - 36% of all votes
  • Cowboy Bebop: Heaven's Door 36%, 4 votes
    4 votes 36%
    4 votes - 36% of all votes
  • Mazinger Z Infinity 27%, 3 votes
    3 votes 27%
    3 votes - 27% of all votes
Total Votes: 11
Voters: 9
17th February 2019 - 19th February 2019
Voting is closed