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Meeting #499

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #499, Thursday the 6th of September from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue.

We shall be starting off with the suprise hit of 2017, Kemono Friends!

Then its on to episodes 5 and 6 of the Perfect Insider.


Meeting #498

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #498, Thursday 30th of August from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue.

We shall be starting the evening with a tale of freedom fighter idols. Its Kawamori Shoji’s AKB∞48!

Then its on to our new featured series, The Perfect Insider!


Meeting #496

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #496, Thursday 16th of August from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue.

WA IS BACK! Earlier than expected we are back for our next meeting. We shall be starting our next featured series showcase. Over the next two meetings we shall watch the first two episodes of the four shows nominated.

We shall be starting with Shin Mazinger and The Perfect Insider.

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Meeting #495

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #495, Thursday 2nd of August from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue.

We shall be watching the Animatrix, a anthology film that ties into the Matrix Trilogy and the video game Enter the Matrix.

We’ll have time for a half an hour or so short afterwards as well, to be decided on the night.

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Meeting #494

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #494, Thursday 26th of July from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue.

Its the start of our movie and ova season. We’ll be starting off with Blood: The Last Vampire.

We’ll also have time for more. So if you have a short ova, special or episode 1 of something please bring it along and we may watch it…


Meeting #493

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #493, Thursday 19th of July from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

We shall be starting the evening with Chio-chan no Tsūgakuro, the tale of a high school girls commute to school.

Then its on to the final two episodes of our current featured series; Kokkoku: Moment by Moment!


Meeting #492

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #492, Thursday 12th of July. 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

This week we shall be starting with fantasy romance Fushigi Yuu–… wait. What? Really? Err… Ok then. Actually from H mangaka Orimoto Mimana (Seinaru Usotsuki, Mahou Shoujo Neko X) and director Nishimura Junji (Ranma 1/2, Dog Days) we shall be watching Bakuon!!

Then its on to the penultimate episodes of our current featured series Kokokku!

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Vote for Meeting #492

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Girls in another world or girls with motorbikes?
  • BAKUON!! 75%, 3 votes
    3 votes 75%
    3 votes - 75% of all votes
    1 vote 25%
    1 vote - 25% of all votes
Total Votes: 4
8th July 2018 - 11th July 2018
Voting is closed

Meeting #491

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #491, Thursday 5th of July, from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

We shall be starting with police action show Active Raid, a tribute to older armored transforming hero series.

Then its on to episodes 7 and 8 of Kokkoku!