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Meeting #473

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime Meeting #473, Thursday 22nd of February from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

Its a night of Demons at WA! First up we’ll be watching the first two episodes of Devilman Crybaby.

Then we’ll see if Azazel’s Demon revolution will succeed in episodes 7 and 8 of Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul.


Devils or Angels?

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

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Meeting #472

by DukeEdrick 0 Comments

Westcountry Anime meeting no #472, Thursday 15th of February from 8pm in the cellar bar of the Fortescue Hotel.

Westcountry magical girls returns! We shall be watching Studio Whitefox’s 10th anniversary original anime Matoi the Sacred Slayer.

Afterwards we shall be watching episode’s 5 and 6 of Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul!

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